If your intent campaign is delivering five
or fewer results each week, you may need to broaden the scope of your search.
The trick to designing a campaign for niche markets is to do your research. The
more you know about a lead’s target demographic, the easier it will be to
identify relevant keywords.
Let’s use the Smart Water industry as an example. Not many companies are engaging with the term “smart water” online. But a greater number of companies are engaging with the keywords “smart city” and “smart building.” These terms relate to Smart Water’s use cases – although they do not refer exclusively to the Smart Water industry, they can still be used to identify potential leads.
Adding relevant keywords to your campaign will broaden the
scope of your search. To that end, it’s a good idea to include a mix of general
and specific keywords. This tactic will ensure you’re receiving a wide range of

In addition to broadening the scope of your
keywords, it’s also a good idea to reevaluate your filters. The location filter
can weed out unreachable leads. But you shouldn’t eliminate good leads on the
basis of geography alone. Instead of restricting results to a particular state,
consider which cities are within a 60-mile radius of your lead’s office. This may
very well include multiple states – you should adjust your location filters
accordingly. This is especially important if your lead is based in a remote
area where they are unlikely to find many leads.
To increase your search results, go to Who's Shopping >
Campaigns and click on your campaign. Remove your state criteria altogether or
add multiple states.

By increasing your keywords and broadening the scope of
your location parameters, you can increase your results. However, in the interest of collecting good results, you should apply exclusion filters as well.
Companies like Google and Facebook employ crawlers to scour the web, gathering
information and verifying authenticity. From time to time, these companies will pop up in your intent campaign results. To
exclude them, simply copy and paste their domain into the Exclude Domains box.

For best
results, consider excluding the following domains:
- instagram.com
- google.com
- facebook.com
- twitter.com
- linkedin.com
- microsoft.com
keywords, updating geographical filters, and
eliminating crawlers will ensure you're receiving the best results
possible. Remember to periodically check your intent campaign results and
adjust as needed.
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