The Difference Between Industry, NAICS, and SIC
Our database allows searchers to specify which industries, NAICS and SIC codes they're interested in. What's the difference between the three? The term "industry" is a broad classification that everyone is familiar with. While SIC and NAICS codes also indicate industry, they are more specific. SIC stands for Standard Industrial Classification. These codes are frequently used by the public sector and are less standardized. NAICS stands for North American Industry Classification System. It was developed in 1997 to replace SIC. These codes are used by the government as well as internationally. Consequently, they're more accurate than SIC codes.
How to Apply Industry Filters
-On the left-side menu, click on Who To Contact and then Search Contacts.
-Select Advanced Search.
-Click on Company Criteria.
-Determine which filters you want to apply. Click on the corresponding boxes and then select items from the drop-down menu.
-Scroll down and click Search.
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