Cookie Consent Resources

Cookie Consent Resources

What are cookies?

Most websites use cookies. These small data files store information in web browsers. They “remember” your previous visits. In other words, they streamline the user experience by saving logins, previous shopping carts, and more.

The Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive, AKA the Cookie Law, requires websites to ask permission before collecting and/or storing visitor information. Designed to protect consumers, this law enables website visitors to reject the use of cookies that reduce their online privacy. The Cookie Law doesn’t prevent the use of cookies – it simply requires you to ask permission. This simple step becomes even easier when you download a Cookie Consent tool.

Cookie Consent tools automate the permission-asking process. They share a short, user-friendly message with your first-time visitors, regardless of which page they land on (i.e. home page, pricing page, etc.). This message informs your visitors about your use of cookies and asks for their consent to set them on their web browser. Once a visitor has accepted your cookie policy, their web browser, and consequently their visits, will be “remembered.”  This will make it easier for them to make repeat visits to your website and pick up where they left off.

It's important to note that Cookie Consent tools are especially helpful if you have multiple domains. They can streamline the Cookie Consent process across domains. If a visitor gives consent on one site, this will carry over to your other sites as well. This ensures your visitors won't be bombarded with the Cookie Consent question each time they visit one of your sites. 

There are plenty of tools available to automate your Cookie Consent process.

Content Management System
Estimated Price


Starting at $99/month

WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix
Free (Basic Plan)
Also has privacy policy tool

$13/month per domain


WordPress also has plugins available here including:

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