Create a Phone Call Goal in Google Analytics

Create a Phone Call Goal in Google Analytics

Visual Visitor's integration with Google Analytics is company-dependent in your account. 

Use these instructions to create a call goal that reports all calls received by each tracking number in the account you’ve integrated with Google Analytics.

  1. Log into your Google Analytics account.

  2. Click ADMIN at the bottom of the left sidebar.

  3. Choose the Account and Property where you'd like to create your goal.
  4. Click Goals under the View tab.
  5. Select + NEW GOAL at the top of the page.

  6. In the Goal setup step, select Custom, then click Continue.
  7. On the Goal description step, enter a Goal Name and select Event. Then click Continue.

  8. In the Goal details step, set Category Equals to Phone. The "Event value as the Goal Value" switch can be set to "Yes" or "No" without interfering with your reporting.
  9. Click Save to activate your goal.

Set a Goal for First-Time Callers

If you’d like to isolate multiple callers, you can create a regular expression goal for first-time callers in Google Analytics. This allows your first-time caller Event Labels to end in "Call-01"

  1. Log into your Google Analytics account.
  2. Click ADMIN at the bottom of the left sidebar.

  3. Choose the Account and Property where you'd like to create the goal for first-time callers.

  4. Click Goals under the View tab.
  5. Click + NEW GOAL at the top of the page.
  6. In the Goal setup step, select Custom, then click Continue.
  7. On the Goal description step, enter a Goal Name and select Event. Then click Continue.
  8. In the Goal details step, set Category Equals to Phone and Label to Regular Expression to .*Call-01. The "Event value as the Goal Value" switch should be set to YES.
  9. Click Save to activate your goal
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