How to Remove ISPs

How to Remove ISPs

As any web tracking specialist knows, search engines and social media companies comb sites looking for bugs. As a result, their near constant presence on your site will appear in your web traffic data. Fortunately, there’s an easy step you can take to remove these visitors from your dashboard. All you have to do is label these visitors as ISPs.


ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. In other words, your visitors are using ISPs to look at your site. If a visitor repeatedly visits your site, they may appear in your results more than once. To eliminate these duplicate notifications, make sure you identify them as ISPs in our system.


When you visit your dashboard and click on a visitor, you have the option to “set as ISP.” This step assists the system in delivering the exact data you need. By clicking “set as ISP” you are removing this visitor from your dashboards, reporting and notifications.


To label a visitor as an ISP, go to your dashboard.

When you notice an ISP or a bot visitor, click on the eye icon.

At the top right, you should see “Set as ISP.” Click on this.

To view the companies you’ve marked as ISPs, click on Configuration and then Filter Companies on the left-side menu.

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