What does the Score mean in Who's Shopping?

What does the Score mean in Who's Shopping?

Looking at your Who's Shopping Scores is a quick way to identify your most promising leads. Generally speaking, the companies with the highest score are your best leads. They have demonstrated more than once that they are likely to value and purchase your products. 

Your Who's Shopping Score is based on two factors:
  1. That they have engaged with one of your keywords online
  2. How many times have they engaged with one of your keywords
If they have engaged with more than one of your keywords, their score will be higher. 

How do you check a lead's Who Shopping Score

  1. Go to Who's Shopping > Leads

  1. The score is listed on the far right-hand side. 

  1. If you would like to view a breakdown of their score, click on the business name to view Company Details. From there, click on Intent Signals. This will show you a list of the keywords they engaged with during the time frame selected.

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