What is the Functionality of the Connectors?

What is the Functionality of the Connectors?

What is a Connector? 

A connector is an easy way to automatically connect and push leads to your existing mail list inside of your email platform.

The lead information sent to your system will include names, email addresses, and physical addresses. Additionally, the connectors will query your list to prevent any duplicates from being sent.

We currently have many connectors to choose from, with more coming in the future. You can easily sync your connector to your mail platform under 'Configuration -> Connectors' within your Visual Visitor dashboard. 

Why would I want to use the connector, what do I get out of it? 
The days of downloading new contacts manually into a CSV, or excel form to import them manually into a list are over. These identified leads will automatically be pushed into the email list you selected. With that, it will prevent your system from sending out duplicates that would likely be flagged as spam or lead to the receiver unsubscribing. 
Visual Visitor exists to help your company grow in every way. Email marketing is an effective tool, and we strive to improve every process we can. By utilizing our connectors you get results in your email marketing, ultimately leading you to your marketing goals. Whatever that may look like.

You can find your connectors tab in your dashboard under Configuration

To view our list of connectors click here.

Don't see your platform listed? No worries. We have Webhooks for that. Want to know more about our Webhook integration, click here

Ready to set up your connectors? Find a step-by-step guide on setting up your connector, here.

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