Website ID +Employee
How to Use AI Sales Coach
The AI Sales Coach is one of our most user-friendly features, combining ease of use with a highly sophisticated system. Understanding buyer behavior to build genuine one-on-one connections effortlessly. Crafting emails that stand out with the right ...
AI Sales Coach
What is AI Sales Coach? Visual Visitor's AI Sales Coach is a buyer intelligence feature designed for revenue teams. Our Personality Profiles leverage AI-predicted profiles to deliver deep, actionable insights into any buyer. With this feature, your ...
Adding Known Companies to the +Employee Platform
Known Companies in the Visual Visitors +Employee Platform The Visual Visitors +Employee platform is designed to help you focus on the companies that matter most by leveraging ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) definition filters. This functionality now ...
How to Configure Your Company ICP
What is an ICP? An Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is a detailed description of the perfect customer for a business. It includes characteristics such as industry, company size, location, budget, and specific needs that align with the company's products ...
Suppressing Companies from Identification in Visual Visitors +Employee Platform
Suppressing Companies from Identification in Visual Visitors +Employee Platform The Visual Visitors +Employee platform is designed to help you focus on the companies that matter most by leveraging ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) definition filters. This ...
Company Suppression Applicability and Outcome
Suppress Company Applicability: Suppression applies exclusively to Company Only Identifications. Requirements: The company must match exactly with existing data for suppression to take effect. Outcome: Anyone associated with the suppressed company ...
Company Only Identificaiton
ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) - Identify Company Only Customizable ICP: Users can build a Company Only ICP, which differs from the Employee ICP. This ICP can include international companies if configured accordingly. This is only available for ...
What Is An ICP? (Ideal Customer Profile)
In the world of sales and marketing, time and resources are precious. Chasing unqualified or unproductive leads can not only drain these resources but also delay business growth. That’s where the ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) feature comes in. By ...
Excluding Specific Countries: A Guide to Filtering
Are you seeing data from Countries or States not relevant to your company? We can exclude that easily. We have two ways. Filter the notifications coming through so you only see it in your dashboard & Leads menu. Filter the Countries or States ...
Define ICP.
What is an ICP? An Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is a detailed description of the type of company (or individual, in some cases) that would benefit most from your product or service and provide the most value to your business in return. Creating an ...
How to Configure Your ICP
What is an ICP? An Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is a detailed description of the perfect customer for a business. It includes characteristics such as industry, company size, location, budget, and specific needs that align with the company's products ...
Exclusion List
Exclusion List. The primary purpose of an exclusion list is to enhance efficiency and reduce false positives during automated processes. It helps in focusing resources on relevant areas by intentionally ignoring those deemed irrelevant by your ...
The Difference Between Identified Companies and Previous Period
Analyzing your leads based on date range is a great way to organize your metrics. But what is the difference between Identified Companies and the Previous Period? Understanding 'Identified Companies' and 'Previous Period' Options: Identified ...
Email Campaign Function
What is the purpose Email Campaign? Behold our revolutionary email campaign feature, meticulously crafted to unveil the post-click journey of your engaged audience. Targeting your already known customers and subscribers, this tool allows you to ...
What Is In Your Daily Reports?
Daily Website Lead Report: Companies Visited Site Visited Identified +Employee IP Addresses Company Addresses Company LinkedIn URL Page View Dates Company City, State, Country Source (i.e. Google, Direct Hit, PPC) Keywords (if integrated with a PPC ...
Filtering Your Visit Raw Data Report
Did you know you can filter your exported Raw Data Report in Excel? Don't want to see any ISP's? Filter "ISPs True" in your Visit Raw Data Report. Follow the steps below: Select "Ctrl, Shift, End" This will highlight the entire spreadsheet Select ...
How Many Contacts Are in the Visual Visitor Database?
Visual Visitor B2B Prospect Data has an extensive list of contacts. We updated our database to include even more contacts. 540 Million Worldwide Contacts 182 Million North America Contacts 60 Million South America Contacts 112 Million Professional ...
Daily Visual Visitor Reports
Have you noticed a change to your daily reports? We have upgraded the Visual Visitor daily report. These reports now include click stream data of up to 10 pages as well as two added reports. We have broken down your reports into Daily Company Reports ...
Email Marketing and Visual Visitor +Employee
Can Visual Visitor send my email for me? No. Visual Visitor can not build or send your emails for you. What does Visual Visitor provide for my email marketing? A shallow overview, Visual Visitor is your contact data base that identifies your website ...
Lead Details for + Employee Broken Down
When I open a lead, what am I looking at? When a new lead is recorded on your website you can select the magnifying glass to expand the details of that lead. Visual Visitor +Employee identifies the company a person is visiting from, pages viewed, the ...
Exporting Lead Data
How do I export lead information for +Employee? Exporting your lead information is easy. From your Visual Visitor dashboard go to 'Leads -> Search Leads' from there you can query the lead data you wish you download or run the preset report of the ...
How to View the Detail of a Lead for +Employee
My Leads Menu. After logging into On your Dashboard menu you will see your Leads tab. This is where your list of recent visitors shows up. To see that list select 'Leads -> Search Leads' to see your list of visitors. How do I ...
How to Search a Lead in +Employee
What is the Search Leads function? Your Search Leads menu allows you to query your website leads. Are you looking for a specific company from your acquired data or do you want to filter leads from a certain date? In your Search Leads menu, you can ...
Accessing Leads with Plus Employee
Visual Visitor's Plus Employee goes one step further than other web ID software to uncover the actual person on your website. That's right, in addition to unmasking the visitor's business, we are now identifying visitors by name. But where can you ...