Breaking Down Perimeters for Google Campaign UTM

Breaking Down Perimeters for Google Campaign UTM

Several years ago, Google began encrypting keyword information, making it challenging for everyone to fully understand their keyword data and performance. To address this, we’ve developed a solution specifically for our clients that helps them gain better insights into their AdWords keyword data.

Here is a breakdown of the perimeters for  your UTM.

UTM for the Tracking Template field:

  1. {lpurl}: This will be dynamically replaced with the landing page URL when the ad is clicked. No need to modify it.

  1. utm_source=googleThe traffic source. Since this is a Google Ads campaign, it's set to google.

  1. utm_medium=ppcThe medium of the campaign. Since this is a pay-per-click campaign, it's labeled as ppc.

  1. utm_campaign={adgroupid}This represents the campaign name or ID in Google Ads.
Instead of {adgroupid}, you should either: Replace it with a specific campaign name or Keep the {adgroupid} dynamic parameter so that Google will replace it automatically with the actual Ad Group ID at the time of the click.

  1. utm_term={keyword}This is used to track the keyword that triggered the ad. The {keyword} placeholder is a dynamic parameter that Google Ads automatically replaces with the keyword that triggered the ad. You can leave it as is.

  1. utm_content={matchtype}This is for tracking the match type of the keyword (broad, phrase, or exact). {matchtype} is a dynamic parameter, so Google will replace it automatically with the actual match type when the ad is clicked.

The Visual Visitor script must be installed on the page your campaign directs to.

Need help walking through your set up? Click here.

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