Suppressing Companies from Identification in Visual Visitors +Employee Platform

Suppressing Companies from Identification in Visual Visitors +Employee Platform

Suppressing Companies from Identification in Visual Visitors +Employee Platform

The Visual Visitors +Employee platform is designed to help you focus on the companies that matter most by leveraging ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) definition filters. This functionality now includes the ability to suppress company-level identification.

What if I don't want to see certain companies?

No problem! Here's how to suppress companies that aren't relevant to your needs:

By customizing your filters, you can ensure your focus remains on the companies that bring the most value to your business.

Access the Filters:

Navigate to the Configuration menu.
Select Suppressed Companies.

From here you can: 

  1. Upload the list of companies you wish to suppress by Upload List
  2. or Select Actions and Add Company Name.

Upload list

Actions - Add Company Name

Add Company to Suppress

If using the adding company feature to suppress add one company name per line.
If using Upload List feature, please see the sample attachment below for a copy of the file format. 

Unsure how to configure your ICP? Click here.
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