Uploading Known Customers Function In a Large File
Where do I start?
To upload your Known Customers file you will first d
etermine if you want to upload in text or SHA256. If you prefer SHA256, you will need to convert the emails. To learn more about SHA256, click here.

SHA256 (also known as a hash file) is a one way encryption that can turn an email address into a code without people being able to see what that email address is.
Should you require assistance, we offer an Excel Template that will facilitate the conversion for you. The file is attached below, along with a Sample CSV for reference.
The upload template is straightforward and contains three columns, with only one column being mandatory: Email Address.
You MUST have all headers in your upload file.
Once your Excel files are prepared and saved as a CSV file, you may upload the CSV directly to your dashboard.
Can I upload into Known Customers with a large file?
The Known Customers Function allows you to upload up to 100,000 records at a time.
Due to browser limitations, if your data set exceeds 100,000 records, you will have two options.
- You need to use multiple Excel files and perform several uploads
- To upload a larger file, please reach out to customer success, here.

Browser limitations only allow 100,000 records at a time. Customer success can assist in larger uploads.
Where do I upload to the Known Customers function?
To upload your list into your dashboard go to: Configuration - Known Customers. From there you will select Upload List.
For further step-by-step instructions, please click
How do I keep this updated? Can I automate this process?
To automate an updated process of Known Customer in real time through webhook, please reach out to Customer Success. We are happy to get that set up with you. Please
click here to schedule the upload.
Does this send over duplicates?
The Known Customers function, when automated, ensures that duplicates are not sent.
More about the Known Customers feature and it's function can be found,
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