What Data is Collected From Your Website Visitors?

What Data is Collected From Your Website Visitors?

When users visit a website with our script, various pieces of information are collected to enhance their browsing experience and provide valuable insights for our customers. What types of data are typically collected from website visitors during their session?

IP Address:

  1. An IP address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.
  2. IP addresses are collected for security, analytics, and customization purposes. They help identify the location and origin of website visitors.

User Agent:

  1. A user agent is a string of information that identifies the browser and operating system used by the visitor.
  2. User agent information assists in optimizing website content and design for different browsers and devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Current URL:

  1.  The current URL (Uniform Resource Locator) represents the specific web address the visitor is accessing.
  2.  Tracking the current URL helps understand user navigation patterns, identify popular pages, and improve website structure.

Display Resolution:

  1. Display resolution refers to the number of pixels on a screen, expressed as width x height.
  2. Collecting display resolution data allows websites to optimize content for various screen sizes, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing layout.

Date and Time:

  1. The date and time of a visitor's session represent when the user accessed the website.
  2. Time-related data aids in analyzing peak traffic periods, scheduling updates, and tailoring content based on user behavior patterns.


  1. Cookies are small text files stored on a user's device that contain information about their preferences and activities on a website.
  2. Cookies help personalize user experiences, track session information, and provide targeted advertising. Users may choose to manage or disable cookies through browser settings.


  1. The referrer is the URL of the previous web page that led the user to the current page.
  2. Referrer data helps website owners understand the sources of traffic, enabling them to optimize marketing strategies and improve content based on user acquisition channels.

Page Title:

  1. The page title is the text that appears on the browser tab or window, describing the content of the web page.
  2. Page titles are collected for analytics and SEO purposes, aiding in the organization of content and improving search engine visibility.

The collection of visitor data during website sessions serves various purposes, including improving user experience, optimizing website performance, and informing marketing strategies. It is crucial for website owners to implement transparent privacy policies and comply with relevant regulations to ensure user trust and data protection.

Learn more about Cookie Consent, here.
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