Implementing Plus Person

Implementing Plus Person

Setting up your Plus Person Account.

Setting up your Plus Person account is not just a task; it's an invitation to a world of enhanced features and personalized services. In this technical guide, we will walk you through the effortless steps to establish your Plus Person account, ensuring that you can make the most of the advanced functionalities and exclusive benefits that await you. Whether you are a seasoned user or a newcomer to our platform, this article will provide the next steps, making the setup process a breeze. Let's embark on this journey together to elevate your online experience and maximize the value of your Plus Person account. Lets get started.

  1. Installing Script

Upon initiating your trial or activating your paid Plus Person account, your initial priority should be the installation of your script to commence visitor tracking. This crucial step allows you to begin monitoring and analyzing the activities of your website visitors, providing valuable insights to enhance your digital presence.

You can find guides on how to install your script, here.

Cookies are compact data files deposited on your computer by the browser when you navigate a website. These files serve as tools for website owners, capable of storing a diverse range of data crucial for maintaining a smoothly operating website.

Among their capabilities, cookies can harbor various information such as a visitor's usage patterns on a website, their geographical location, or language preferences. Additionally, cookies are often employed in conjunction with advertising technology (adtech) to monitor users' online activities, facilitating the targeted display of relevant advertisements. This functionality proves beneficial for marketing initiatives and contributes to crafting a personalized and enriched user experience.

You can configure your cookie consent at any time without having to re-upload your script. It usually takes about 5 minutes for the change to reflect on your website.

You can find a guide on configuring your cookie consent, here.  

  1. Uploading Known Customers & Suppression Lists

The Known Customers and Associates list offers the advantage of processing customer data without incurring identification charges. This list accommodates email addresses presented in both plain text and a secure hashed format, utilizing SHA256 encoding for enhanced data protection. This functionality ensures cost-effective customer management while prioritizing data security through advanced encryption methods.

You can find a guide on uploading your known customers list, here.

The Suppression list provides you with the ability opt out of any data processing for a specific email address. Situations that would warrant the use of this list include activities such as “do not sell my data” or “do not track my requests.” The list supports email addresses in plain text and hashed format using SHA256 encoding. No data will be processed if on this list. 

You can find a guide on uploading your suppression list, here.

  1. Webhook  Integration

A webhook is a tool that allows one system or application to send real-time data to another system or application (like your CRM) when a specific event occurs. Unlike traditional APIs where one system has to regularly poll for updates, a webhook enables automatic communication.

You can find a guide on setting up your webhook, here.

  1. Connector Setup

Connectors streamline the process by automatically pushing identified leads into your selected mail list. The transmitted lead information encompasses vital details such as names, email addresses, and physical addresses. An added advantage is the built-in intelligence of the connectors, which actively query your list to prevent the transmission of duplicate entries, ensuring data accuracy and efficiency in your lead management system. With Connectors, Visual Visitor enhances the synergy between email communication and lead management, providing a seamless and organized approach to nurturing and engaging potential clients.

You can find a guide to setting up your connector, here.

If you need extra assistance with setting up your +Person account, please reach out to Support. We are always happy to help.

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